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Foundationally Human

The strongest buildings are only as strong as their underlying foundations.
At PML, passionate people are the foundation of our company. Together, we provide a general contracting experience that’s built on support, trust, and collaboration, and we live up to our Core Values by developing empowering, mutually beneficial relationships with our clients, staff, and communities.


Our Story

PML Engineering Pte Ltd  is a multi-disciplined construction firm that was founded in 1996. We have what it takes to complete time sensitive and high-quality projects in Singapore. 

We guide our clients through the entire construction process, from the pre-construction, design, and budgeting stage to constructing the buildings to their specific requirements and then maintaining and upgrading as needed.

Over the years, we have earned the trust of numerous repeat customers who value our high standards of quality, safety, customer service.

We pride ourselves as a reliable partner with comprehensive construction and engineering solutions. We advise, we construct, we maintain. We ensure that our client’s properties are built with quality and are functioning at their best, allowing them to focus on their core business while we take care of their building needs.

How Do You Build a Lasting Impact ?
PML Engineering Pte Ltd - Singapore is one of the promising and leading Engineering and Construction Firm. UEN No 53320465L
PML Engineering Pte Ltd - Singapore is one of the promising and leading Engineering and Construction Firm. UEN No 53320465L
Driven By People
Structured By People
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